Thursday, April 16, 2020

Supply Chain and Logistics in Kulicke Soffa Industries, Inc

KS is a company that was involved in the production and supply of semiconductor device assemblers, although the company’s main market space was wire bonding. Semiconductors business became increasingly competitive from the year 2000 when the manufacturing industry shifted to Asian and Pacific nations. This increased the level of competition among European companies since the company had access to cheap raw materials.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Supply Chain and Logistics in Kulicke Soffa Industries, Inc specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The company could also afford to produce semiconductors at a low cost and sell them relatively cheaper. This prompted KS to make changes in its supply chain in order to utilize the market opportunities in Asia. The increase in competition also prompted the company to make changes in its supply chain to maintain its competitive advantage (Handfield, 2008). The need to in crease production effectiveness considering that production was a complex process could also be another factor that forced the company to change its supply chain. The decision to redesign the supply chain is one that should be taken with a lot of caution. It is important to consider all factors that might affect the supply chain before redesigning it (Baumgartner, 2009; Gattorna, 2008). Some of the factors that should be considered when redesigning the supply chain include cost, service level uncertainty, and risk factor (Chandra Grabis, 2007). The aim of redesigning the supply chain is to minimize costs as much as possible. In addition, the company should ensure that it adopts a supply chain that is free of risk or with the least risk level. The company should also consider the number of plants and manufacturing installations that it should own. The current plant in Israel is said to have a very long history of over 30 years. However, tax burden is an issue that has been a challen ge to the business. On the other hand, infrastructure and RD are available in Israel at a cheap cost. The current emerging market in Asian countries has led to the company thinking of shifting its Israel operations. Instead of expanding the plant in Israel, the company should open others chains in Asia since there is advanced technology in Asia and RD is active in Asia. In addition, production cost in Asia will be cheaper. There are also intellectual property laws governing innovations in Asia. Having a plant and a lab in the same location would increase efficiency and reduce operation costs.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Advantages and disadvantages of opening in a new location: Opening business in a new location will be advantageous for the company since it will reduce operational costs in the long run. It will also increase efficiency of production and supply chain, the reby increasing the company’s competitive advantage. However, there are also disadvantages that are associated with the change. Initial costs for opening the new plant are too high. In addition, it will take a lot of time to make sure that the plant is running efficiently. The company will also face a number of risks by shifting to a new location, a factor that might lead to losses. Recommendation: I would recommend that KS open operations in other countries where the operation costs are low and where the market is large, instead of expanding in Israel. This will increase profitability opportunities since the operation costs will be lowered. Implementation challenges: The implementation challenges would include KS establishing itself in a new location and winning the loyalty of customers. How to address the challenges: I would recommend that the company forms ventures and associations with other companies that are already established in the new locations. Reference List Baumg artner, K 2009, Optimization approaches for the design of realistic supply chains: Examples from the chemical industry, KölnerWiss-Verl, Köln Chandra, C Grabis, J 2007, Supply chain configuration: Concepts, solutions and applications, Springer, New York, NYAdvertising We will write a custom essay sample on Supply Chain and Logistics in Kulicke Soffa Industries, Inc specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Gattorna, J 2008, Strategic supply chain alignment: Best practice in supply chain management, Gower, Aldershot Handfield, R 2002, Redesigning your supply chain: Strategies for success, Prentice Hall, NY This essay on Supply Chain and Logistics in Kulicke Soffa Industries, Inc was written and submitted by user Darth Maul to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

What Is a Sample of a Composition Essay?

What Is a Sample of a Composition Essay?A sample of a composition essay is also called a template. It provides an outline of the kind of writing you will be doing in your college career. Some of the writing assignments you will be given as a student will have various requirements. All students are advised to follow this template when they start preparing for their first assignment.The composition essay is actually a difficult subject to tackle as it represents our view point as students in today's academic environment. For the first few assignments, we are likely to make mistakes and possibly give the wrong answers. As a result, writing a sample of a composition essay will help the instructor in choosing which answers are correct and which are not.Writing an essay is a lot different from writing a novel. One mistake that a student can make while composing his essay is to write too much in a short period of time. He should try to write only one to two sentences of what he is trying to say in order to avoid committing this mistake. One important thing that the essay must contain is proper grammar and punctuation.One of the most common errors is the omission of certain words or sentence structure. If the assignment is not completed in time, it is advisable that the student carefully check the writing that is submitted. The author should study the subject matter and be familiar with the main points and important points, otherwise, he will find it difficult to finish the assignment.Furthermore, all writing needs to be grammatically correct. By using a computer, word processing software, or writing software, a student can easily spell check and proofread the essay. These tools allow the student to catch mistakes before they reach the author's desk.It is a good idea to draft the essay in a Word document in order to get an idea of how long the final draft will be. If it is not feasible to do this in a single sitting, the student should plan to read the completed work a t least three times. This will give him ample time to review the document and make any necessary corrections.If this task is difficult to complete, one may consider editing the document before submitting it. A student may think that it is time consuming to edit the writing, but he should think of it as time well spent because he will receive a much better grade if the editing process is successful. In addition, an editor will not only improve the essay, but will also save the author precious time.Writing is indeed a lengthy and tiresome task. However, as a student, you will find it difficult to concentrate on what you are writing, especially if you have to go back and forth between your notes, a computer, and the list of errors you have made. In such a situation, the use of a sample of a composition essay will definitely help you stay focused on your task.